Saturday, April 21, 2007

Nick Walker's comment on Bach

I just wanted to point out a fascinating comment I received the other day from Nicholas Walker, a bassist and composer currently teaching at Ithaca College in New York. You can read Nick's comment here, and also please visit his own website. The comment concerns articulations in the Prelude to Bach's First Suite - he varies his bowings in each bar, based on an autograph manuscript in Anna Magdalena Bach's handwriting. Nicholas is right, these bowings can really open up the harmony and phrasing of the piece, and relieve all that bar-by-bar monotony.

Paul Ellison also publishes a version incorporating these bowings - I just looked at a copy of his edition today. I am not sure where his edition is available commercially, but if you e-mail or comment I can help put you in touch with Paul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Paul has a great version.

He sells it through Slava Publishing

here is a link:

He has done suite 1 and 2 and I believe he is almost done with 3